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Information for parents


As a parent it can be difficult to find the information that you need at the right time, this section provides some useful links but if you would like to talk to someone who has been in your position please contact Kevin who can put you in touch with a friendly parent here.


Mencap provides a wide range of information and can be contacted directly or via their website:

or by phone: Mencap Direct 0808 808 1111 



Your Blue Badge application


  • A Blue Badge is normally valid for three years and costs £10

  • The blue badge process can take around four to six weeks but it is often quicker than this

  • You can apply for yourself or on behalf of another person or organisation

  • The badge holder can use it in any vehicle, whether they are the driver or a passenger. It can be used throughout Europe

  • You will receive your badge faster if you apply online


You can find a useful video on how to apply for a Blue Badge here with further information available:



Surrey Choices


Surrey Choices offer services to support Surrey residents with learning difficulties including:

  • Employment Support through Employability

  • Day services

  • Family based care for adults with support needs - Shared lives


For more information, please visit their website:



Valuing People in Surrey strategy for learning difficulties


Surrey has a Learning Disability Partnership Board which was set up in October 2001 as the first step towards implementing Valuing People, the Government White Paper on learning disabilities.


For more information about getting involved in the Learning Disability Partnership Board please visit


For more information on 'Valuing People' in Surrey, please contact:


Useful websites available via Surrey’s website:

Valuing People Now is a website for people with learning disabilities, family carers, learning disability partnership boards and anyone who works with, or comes into contact with people with learning disabilities.


Easyinfoforus is a website for people with learning disabilities, family carers, learning disability partnership boards and anyone who works with, or comes into contact with people with learning disabilities.



Registering an adult disability or impairment in Surrey


The Surrey Disability Register – for people over the age of 18. If you are younger visit Children's Register.


Surrey Disability Register helps anyone with a disability or impairment living within Surrey to be independent and to lead a fulfilling life. It opens doors to new networks and contacts, through our quarterly newsletter we keep you informed and up-to-date with what is happening.


Benefits for you

When you register we will send you information relevant to your disability or impairment and you can work together with us and others to find ways to influence what is important to you.


Upon registration, you will receive an identity card (ID) which is written proof that you have registered a disability with Surrey County Council. The ID card can be used:

  • If you are entitled to a disabled person's bus pass

  • Where places like leisure centres, cinemas, theme parks offer discounts for disabled customers

  • To obtain VAT savings on equipment and services purchased in connection with your disability


The Register is about empowering you through information and contacts. You do not need to be a member to obtain services, apply for welfare benefits, or to ask for an assessment of your social care needs.


How do I register?



Arranging your own adult social care service using direct payments


What are Direct Payments?
Who can have Direct Payments?
Who cannot have Direct Payments?
How Direct Payments can help you?
Why would you want Direct Payments?
What to do if you are interested in Direct Payments
What responsibilities will you have when you receive Direct Payments?
Will you have to make a financial contribution towards your Direct Payments?
Carers and Direct Payments


Look on Surrey’s website for answers to the questions.

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