The ALDAG Quiz Night in November was held at The Dell and the evening was enjoyed by all - good company, superb fish and chips and an excellent raffle with some great prizes. Peter was a hard act to follow and we were very fortunate to have a new quiz team with our master of ceremonies and quiz master being the fantastic Chris and Chris team. The quiz followed a theme - ALDAG All At Sea – which helped some of us who didn’t immediately know the answers! The Dell is a great venue and we are very appreciative of St Giles and St George’s Church in kindly gifting us the use of the facility.
We were delighted and very grateful to be chosen by the Soundbytes choir and friends as beneficiaries of their 10 Year Celebration concert held at the Leatherhead Theatre at the end of November. During the evening we helped to sell programmes as well as enjoying the concert itself with superb music and lyrics from a wonderful choir.
