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Summer BBQ

What a wonderful event!!

It was only the threat of rain lingering from Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday that brought a few nervous moments to Friday and the FIFTY something folk who attended the feast.

At least the dryness (not alcohol) lasted until 9.00 pm and then something wet (drizzle) descended as the lights came on, and the dancing commenced thanks to Alex and Heather, - the DJ's. Peter was a magnificent bar man, and the chefs delivered burgers, sausages and chicken legs in gourmet style, aided by the ladies who helped serve.

I know all enjoyed themselves and thanks must surely go to all the helpers, the "indoor cooks", and the Organising, Preparation and Clearing-up Team for all their very hard work and dedication.

A note of sympathy goes to Natasha for her long wait at the hospital - we'll have a word with the chickens next year!

Here's looking forward to 2018!

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